When you need a financial cushion, an arranged overdraft could be an ideal way to handle those short-term changes in your cash flow.
Having an overdraft limit and staying within it will help you avoid paying unnecessary unarranged overdraft charges.
An overdraft allows you to borrow using your current account. An overdraft can be useful as a back-up to help you deal with short term, unexpected costs; it is not suitable for longer term borrowing.
An arranged overdraft is an agreement allowing you to borrow money when you have no money left in your account. The agreement specifies the maximum amount you can borrow, and whether fees and interest will be charged.
An arranged overdraft can work as a financial cushion, protect your credit standing and also improve cash flow. Plus:
Every time you apply for an overdraft, we will ask your permission to undertake a credit search. A record of the search will be kept by Credit Reference Agency (CRA). We will also share information about the running of the account such as limit and balances as well as payment performance and this could impact your ability to obtain credit elsewhere within a short period of time.
Always discuss your borrowing needs before you go overdrawn or over an arranged overdraft limit. All lending is subject to status, terms and conditions apply.