Easy and hassle free loan to enhance your business
Working capital finance for Traders
Working capital finance for manufactures.
Working capital finance for Service providers
Easy and hassle-free loan process.
Over Draft Facility allows you that extra spending power which can come very handy in business
Individuals having satisfactory dealings with the Bank
Loan will be granted after getting the jewels duly appraised by the jewel appraiser engaged by the Bank.
Minimum Limit Rs.50,000/-
Maximum Rs.10 lakhs
Maximum Limit permissible is 75% of Market Value or Appraised value of Gold Ornaments pledged, whichever is less, subject to the per gram lending rate fixed by the Bank from time to time.
Pledge of Gold ornaments
Only 22 carat Gold will be accepted as security.
Tenable for Two years, subject to annual review